It has been over a month since our first DTS ended! I must tell you it was a great learning experience. We graduate 8 students from 4 different nations and 5 of them were Peruvians! 5 more Peruvians missionaries! Praise God! Just by seeing them and what the Lord has done in their lives, encourage me to keep on doing what I am doing. I truly, with all my heart that I love it!
DTS GraduatesNow that DTS is over, we are already planning on our next DTS, March 2012. This will be my second time as DTS Director, and I am still feeling like I have so much to learn and practice. But one thing I am certain, God always make it work! No matter how many times we are wrong, his plan prevails!
For our next school, we are bless to have more staff. This has been my prayer for the past few months. Now we have: Colina Davila (Peruvian), Paola (Peruvian), Mallerlin (Colombian/Peruvian), Melanie (USA), Keith and Lu Barnard (not sure where Keith is from, but Lu is from China). As you see we have a mix of cultures! And this is exciting! God has put a great team together, this means greater things are coming next year!
This verse came back to me at the end of the school. And I thought: “Lord, what else new you want me to do? DTS in itself is NEW?” I felt God saying, is time to knock new doors. And that was all! J At the beginning I thought, He meant to go back to the USA and knock doors of new churches. So I started making plans for November ’11. But after a few weeks no church answers. I started praying and praying, but the same scripture and words came to me, “new doors” not so long after these, I was talking to a friend of mine from Germany. And she made a comment like: what if you come to Germany. At first I thought, no way to expensive. But then, God bring the words: NEW DOORS! So, I got it! God wants me knock new doors in Europe!!
Cesar's german friend and him singing :)
Opening my heart:
I am happy to let you know that finally my girlfriend, mallerlin, will be joining us for DTS and MP next year. I am not sure how many of you know, but we have been dating for over a year now, but it was long distance relationship. The Lord is making a way for us to be together and get to know us more, before we move into a more serious relationship.
Prayer request:
1. Next year DTS, wisdom and faith to direct this coming school.
2. for our new students. That the Lord will raise more Peruvians to the nations!
3. for finances for monthly support. Let me open my heart again on this prayer request, for over a year now, my support has only been 100 USD per month, The Lord has bless me and never let me down. I pray that this coming year I will be able to raise 500 USD per month.
4. Summer Camp, “Raw Material”, for the students and God’s anointing
4. Finances for the trip to Europe: 1100 USD airfare and 800 USD for transportation and lodging.
May the Lord bless you now and for ever!
Cesar Ausejo Bueno
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