lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

September 09 - Studying, Studying, Studying! :)

Dear Friends and Family:
Let me greet you using Peter words:

“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
1Pe 1:1-2
Things the Lord has done this month (September)

This month has been a lot of studies! I’ve just finish a week of partial test at the seminary I am attending to. It was hard but Jesus was good to me! He helped me a lot!
As some of you know, I’ve been visiting and helping the orphanage “El nino Emanuel” I visited them the very first week of September and thanks to Price of Peace Church’s donations I was able to buy BBQ chicken for everyone! We had so much fun!!! The kids ate everything! I mean everything! French fries, rice, and of course they loved chicken brasa!!! It was a lot of fun. Thank you very much Prince of Peace.

By September 17 YWAM Pittsburgh send a medical team. Well, a very small team, however very efficient. Aaron, the dentist, was always busy! I know that he did close to 80 tooth extractions on one day!!! Can you imagine that!! Blood everywhere!
Along with Dr. Aaron, Doug Tunney (Base Director) and Lima came. They helped him and share the word of God with the people that where waiting to see the Doctor. It was a great ministry time. However I wasn’t able to be with them every day. I wish I had more free time, but school work is a lot! Memorizing scripture, reading lots of books besides the Bible…. No excuse though, I did my best to go and help as much as I could. They stayed at my house so I was able to talk and rejoice with them every night.
This was the first time my church (CMA) worked with a USA Doctor, and they did very well. I have to say that it came out better than I thought. What we did was: we got another 8 doctors from our church to join this medical campaign (for one day), so we didn’t give only dental care, but physical therapy, 2 general doctors, 3 psychologist and 2 more Dentist as well. Praise God! It was a great time! People from everywhere came and not only got free attention but we they received the word of God.

What is the Lord doing now?

Septembers last week, as I mentioned before, has been crazy busy studying! But now I have one week vacations! That’s why I have more time to write you guys!
A quick update at the seminary. Classes are coming well, I made tons of new friends, and believe it or not, I love reading books now!!! Hahahah  I do! There are so many things I don’t know and these books are helping a lot!!! I’ll be back to school next Monday.

I thought about going away for this week, may be the highlands of Peru or somewhere closer. But I am trying to save up some money (for a car) so I’ve decided to just chill at home, buy movies ($1 each) and spend time with friends at home.

What is the Lord going to do this month?

Well, I must say this is a very exciting month for me, because I get to be more involved in a church planting project. This coming Friday I am going to meet with all the Church’s leaders (Iglesia Filadelfia) Pastor Manuel’s church and evaluated what we’ve been doing so far. My goal is to truly recognize our MAJOR GOALS (as a church), and evaluated if the teams that came this year helped us reaching those goals or not.

I believe that for the leaders to engage in growing and multiplying their church family, they need to KNOW their real goals and needs, working towards that. Many times we do different things, projects that look good, however they don’t help reaching those goals, which is growing as a church and preserving the new believers.

I’ll keep you inform about the outcome of this meeting. Please pray for me, because this is something new for me. I never done it before but I know the Lord putted it on my heart to help this precious church.

Also, this Friday I am going back to the orphanage!!! And again, thanks to POP church donations I am able to buy chicken lunch for everyone!!! I am so happy to do this for the church! The kids love me!!! Hahaha … they know every time that “gotdito” comes, means chicken brasa!!! Hahahaha.. I truly care for them and love them though!

Finally, we are helping setting up another outreach for YWAM Pittsburgh (this is not 100% sure yet), The very last week of October, my dear friend Mark is coming with a church , so we are going to do our best to help and minister together. I can’t tell you our schedule yet. But I’ll do later on this month.

Personal Thoughts:

I am sorry I don’t have many pictures this month. But the ones you see at the begging of my blog are my latest visit to the orphanage. You’ll see the kids eating chicken! Hummm… I’ll put up more pictures later on this month.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted” Mat 5:3-4

I’ve been mediating a lot about these verses. Now, I understand the power of being in a place of neediness before the Lord. To truly recognize our sinful nature, not in a way of condemning myself, but in a way that makes me TOTAL DEPENT on Him every day! In a way of truly seeking of his face; knowing that there is nothing I can do apart from him!

When we see our need, and cry out for His help. He will come running, take our hands and be our strength! It is from that strength that we can go out and be a blessing to this falling world. I challenge you to meditate in these scripture and tried the power of God in your neediness.

God bless you my dear friend!
May the peace and grace of God be with you all!

César Ausejo